How to install 'csv-data-analyze'

To use the program csv-data-analyze you have to install the following package:

Package Version / min Version
Python 3.x
matplotlib 3.1.2
numpy 1.17.2
outlier-utils 0.0.3
pandas 0.25.1
scipy 1.3.1
seaborn 0.9.0
statsmodels 0.10.1

First step: Install the main program 'Python 3.x'

1. Download:

2. With Windows use the .exe installation.
Ubuntu: sudo apt install python3 / or use the program shop

Second step: Install the packages

3.To install the packages use by windows the cmd, Linux the Terminal/Console.

pip install [package-name] (example: pip install matplotlib)

With linux it could be different.
Into ubuntu some packages (pandas/matplotlib) you can also install by use 'sudo apt install [package-name]

The easiest way: Install Anaconda

Anaconda Install

The easy way to use the csv-data-analyze tool is to install first Anaconda (This Software includes most packages)

Anaconda run on Windows/Linux and MacOS

After installation:

1. Start the Anaconda-Software
2. Change into the Enviroments area (left side menu)
3. Push the triangle behind the base(root) Button
4. Select 'Open Terminal'
5. Input command: conda install pip
6. Input command: pip intall outlier-utils

Start the Program

To start the ''

You have to navigate to the program folder:
Start the terminal

Then start the program with the command:

>> cd 'program folder name'

>> python

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